
Our Mission

“Providing transformational visual experiences through technology and relationships.”

Art and Beauty is a window to God’s creation and tells the Story. We’ve modernized the ancient frescos in the current church through Environmental Projection. My heart is to help churches use projectors and lighting to tell better visual stories; no matter the church’s size, budget, architecture, or worship style. Environmental Projection is a large part of how I help churches do that. As the first the make this kind of projection easily accessible to all churches, this is very personal to me. I am not an audio-visual salesman. I’m a visual worship leader who also loves and understands the nuts and bolts of projection and lighting hardware, but also equally loves helping churches look at the bigger picture of WHY and HOW to use technology in worship.

Camron Ware, Owner/Founder

The Story of Visual Worshiper and Environmental Projection

Camron Ware started Visual Worshiper in 2007 as a way to help churches use projection media and lighting better in worship. Leading up to that, he got his start as a 16 year old working as full-time staff at a mega-church in Dallas, TX where he was responsible for the visual worship elements in the main worship service: lighting and projection screens. The church’s sanctuary was a normal, yet boring, worship space with beige walls. Camron started to see the potential of those boring walls as a canvas, and in 2006 he setup some older projectors in the back of the room to simply see what could be possible. After showing the church staff how projectors could be used, Camron coined the term “Environmental Projection” as a way to describe using a church’s existing architecture to digitally paint anything they wanted. Since 2007, Camron has traveled to every state in the US, and half a dozen other countries helping and teaching churches how to use technology in visual worship.

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